Separation agreement btw the BOE and Will Clark

We requested the separation agreement btw the BOE and Will Clark via the email below. You can find the agreement here

It appears the agreement does not answer the questions as to why he resigned or why the City decided to provide such a large payout.


Good day Ms. Foster -

The NH Register is reporting that the former chief operating officer of New Haven Public Schools Will Clark is receiving a $100,000 payout. In an effort to understand better the payout, I am respectfully requesting the following information: 

1.    A copy of the separation agreement btw the BOE and Will Clark. 

The NH Register is reporting that the NH Register has already received a copy of the separation agreement. So, I imagine it will not be difficult to fulfill this reuquest. Please confirm receipt of this email, and please let me know when I may expect to receive the documents.

Thank you,

Dennis Serfilippi