Unite Here Suburban Leaders Meddling in New Haven Politics
/This email is an example of how Unite Here, the large majority of whose members do NOT live in New Haven, meddles in New Haven politics. In this email the union is telling it’s member who live in New Haven to vote for Mayor Harp. Ward 25 Alder Adam Marchand has been a major supporter of Mayor Harp for more than 6 years.
Read the email here
Why Call it The People's Platform?
/I find most politicians like to talk, but don’t want to listen. So, I embarked on a listening tour - to learn what YOU believe are the main concerns. For the last two months I’ve been knocking on doors and listening to our neighbors in Ward 25. If I knocked on a door and no one answered, I left a postcard and asked people to return it with a list of their top concerns. I’ve received lots of input and lots of postcards, and put together a platform based on what YOU have told me. And that is why I’m calling it The People’s Platform. If I missed something, please reach out at SerfilippiForAlder@gmail.com